Stardust East

New York City

Stardust is an innovative Santa Monica based motion design, animation, and visual effects company producing commercial, on-air, music video, and in-store presentations. For their New York satellite office in Soho they sought a design that was expressive of their cutting edge presence. The unique space is in an historic 2-story building that spans and entire city block between Broadway and Mercer Street. The design solution looked to exploit this attribute by creating a strong visual connection through the space. A floating glass screen creates spaces for shared offices along the north side of the space and is made up of varying widths of glass panels. The more private offices along the south side are skinned in varying widths of painted drywall, glass and wood. These details along with the subtle vertically banded paint pattern on the soffit above are abstract interpretations of the rhythm involved in the visual effects produced by Stardust.

4,870 SF