Crisler Way

Hollywood Hills, CA

This residence for a young woman in the fashion industry consists of a nearly completely new 2,400 square foot two story home on a steeply sloping site in the Hollywood Hills. Built on the existing one story home’s footprint, the new home’s second floor deck and upper roof deck provide uninterrupted 170 degree views south from the Santa Monica Bay to the Griffith Observatory. The rear yard consists exclusively of a 1,400 square foot multi-level deck incorporating trellised areas, an outdoor kitchen and a Japanese soaking tub on a raised plinth. A series of sliding exterior composite wood and steel screens help shade the extensive expanse of sliding glass doors on the west facade helping to protect the interiors from the intense late afternoon sunlight while still allowing the house to open up and integrate inside with outside.

The exterior surfaces employ a balanced palette of smooth stucco, recycled timber from the original house, composite wood cladding and a subtly striated vertical cement board composition in varying widths.

2,400 SF, Addition/Renovation

photography by Benny Chan, Fotoworks